This toolbox draws Leveldiagrams for Pareto Set and its associated Front, and allows some basics graphics manipulations (coloring plot according preferences, axis manipulation and point selections) to help in decision making. Details about Leveldiagrams and some examples supplied in this toolbox are described in:
[1] X. Blasco, J.M. Herrero, J. Sanchis, M. Martínez. A new graphical visualization of n-dimensional Pareto front for decision-making in multiobjective optimization. Information Sciences 178 (2008) 3908–3924. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2008.06.010
An updated version of this toolbox with utilities for compare different design concepts (or Pareto fronts) is now available. Details about these new features and some examples are provided in the paper:
[2] G. Reynoso-Meza, X. Blasco, J. Sanchis, J.M. Herrero. Comparison of design concepts in multi-criteria decision-making using level diagrams. Information Sciences 221 (2013), 124 – 141.
Level diagrams have been used in:
[3] E. Zio, R. Bazzo. Multiobjective optimization of the inspection intervals of a nuclear safety system: A clustering-based framework for reducing the Pareto Front. Annals of Nuclear Energy 37 (2010) 798–812. doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2010.02.020
[4] E. Zio, R. Bazzo. A clustering procedure for reducing the number of representative solutions in the Pareto Front of multiobjective optimization problems. European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 210, Issue 3, 1 May 2011, pages 624-634. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2010.10.021
[5] E. Zio, R. Bazzo. Level Diagrams analysis of Pareto Front for multiobjective system redundancy allocation. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, volume 96 (2011), pages 569–580. doi:10.1016/j.ress.2010.12.016
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