Diesel Engine Identification and Predictive Control using Wiener and Hammerstein Models.

E. Pérez, X. Blasco, S. García-Nieto, J. Sanchis. In EEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), IEEE Computer Aided Control Systems Design Symposium (CACSD) and IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Munich (Germany), October 2006.

Diesel Engine Identification and Predictive Control using Wiener and Hammerstein Models.

Autor (es):
E. Pérez, X. Blasco, S. García-Nieto, J. Sanchis.
In EEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), IEEE Computer Aided Control Systems Design Symposium (CACSD) and IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Munich (Germany), October 2006.
Publicado en:
Congresos 2006