Here you will find a model of the cooling system of a PEMFC-based micro-CHP system. This model is implemented in Matlab/Simulink, version (R2017b). The model and the tests conducted for its development are described in detail in the following paper: Control-Oriented Modeling of the Cooling Process of a PEMFC-Based micro-CHP System...
nevMOGA Algorithm
The nevMOGA algorithm is aimed at finding not only the optimal solutions but also the nearly optimal solutions nondominated in their neighborhood. Including the nearly optimal solutions in the decision-making scenario increases the number of alternatives available to the designer. But nevertheless it is important to obtain these solutions without...
spMODE-II Algorithm
This code implements a version of the Multi-Objective Differential Evolution algorithm with spherical pruning based on preferences (spMODE-II, second version of the spMODE algorithm) described in: Gilberto Reynoso-Meza. Controller Tuning by Means of Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: a Holistic Multiobjective Optimization Design Procedure....
Multi-Criteria Decision Making support tool
This Excel Macro implements several features and filters to support the multi-criteria decision-making process. More details can be consulted (in spanish) in: Pajares , A., Blasco, X., Reynoso-Meza, G., Blasco, X., Herrero, J. M. Desarrollo de una herramienta para el análisis de datos multi-criterio. Aplicación en el...
DE_TCR Algorithm
These matlab scripts implement a version of the DE_TCR algorithm described in: G. Reynoso; J. Sanchis; X. Blasco; Juan M. Herrero. "Hybrid DE Algorithm With Adaptive Crossover Operator For Solving Real-World Numerical Optimization Problems". In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC 2011. (ISBN...
spMODE Algorithm
These matlab scripts implement a version of the multi-objective differential evolution algorithm with spherical pruning described in: Gilberto Reynoso-Meza, Javier Sanchis, Xavier Blasco, Miguel Martínez. "Design of Continuous Controllers Using a Multiobjective Differential Evolution Algorithm with Spherical...
MODE Algorithm
These Matlab Scripts implement a basic multi-objective optimization (MO) algorithm based on Diferential Evolution (DE) algorithm (MODE), described in: "Storn, R., Price, K., Differential evolution: A simple and efficient heuristic for global optimization over continuous spaces. Journal of Global Optimization Vol 11, issue 4, pp 341 –...
NNC algorithm
These Matlab scripts implement the NNC algorithm for 2 and 3 objectives as described in: A. Messac, A. Ismail-Yahaya and C.A. Mattson. The normalized normal constraint method for generating the Pareto frontier Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Volume 25, Number 2 (2003), 86-98 Available in MATLABCENTRAL....
Basic GA
These Matlab scritps implement the version of the Genetic Algorithm decribed in "Control predictivo basado en modelos mediante técnica de optimización heurística. Aplicación a procesos no lineales y multivariables." F. Xavier Blasco Ferragud. PhD Tesis 1999 (in Spanish). Editorial UPV. ISBN 84-699-5429-6. An...
TrackDrone Lite
El cuatrirotor ARDrone fabricado por la empresa francesa Parrot es un pequeño vehículo radiocontrol orientado al gran público como producto para el ocio. La página web de Parrot muestra información detallada de las principales características y el funcionamiento básico de este interesante...