Identificación lineal del comportamiento del sistema de renovación de la carga de un motor diesel turboalimentado con sistema EGR. por J. M. Luján, C. Guardiola, J.V. García-Ortiz, and J.V. Salcedo. XV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica. December 2002.
Principal component GPC with terminal equality constraint. por J. Sanchis, M. Martínez, C. Ramos, and J.V. Salcedo. In 15th IFAC World Congress , Barcelona (Spain), July 2002.
Greenhouse facility for real time climate an fertirrigation control. por R. Suay, P.F.Martínez, D. Roca, M. Martínez, X. Blasco, C. Ramos, and J.M. Herrero. In European Agricultural Engineering Congress (EURAGENG), Budapest (Hungary), June 2002.
Properties of MGPC designed in state space. por J.V. Salcedo, M. Martínez, X. Blasco, and J. Sanchis. In 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona (Spain), July 2002.
Computer implementation of Rosen algorithm: application to control engineering. por J.V. Salcedo, M. Martínez, C. Ramos, and J.M. Herrero. In International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2002), Alicante (Spain), Septiembre 2002.
Use of filtered Smith predictor in DMC. por C. Ramos, M. Martínez, X. Blasco, and J.M Herrero. In 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Lisbon (Portugal), July 2002.
LP-DMC control of a chemical plant with integral behaviour. por C. Ramos, J.S. Senent, X. Blasco, and J. Sanchis. In 15th IFAC World Congress 2002, Barcelona (Spain), July 2002.
Monitorización y control de una planta piloto PCT23 con LabVIEW. por I. Faus and X. Blasco. In Seminario anual de automática, electrónica industrial e instrumentación. SAAEI'02, pp 373-376, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), Septiembre 2002.
Optimal PID tuning with genetic algorithms for non-linear process models. por J.M. Herrero, X. Blasco, M. Martínez, and J.V. Salcedo. In 15th World Congress IFAC 2002, Barcelona (Spain), July 2002.
Identication of continuous process parameters using genetic algorithms. por J.M. Herrero, X. Blasco, M. Martínez, and J. Sanchis. In 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Lisbon (Portugal), July 2002.