CI2T is a Spanish company that sells SIGINVER, an integrated management system for greenhouses. SIGINVER combines industrial automation technologies with computer systems and climate modelling. The system is flexible, efficient, and above all, easy to understand and operate. The control system is highly integrated and designed for a range of...
Technology Transfer Projects
Automation and control of a bank for teaching techniques regulating pumping stations.
The aim is to show different means of regulating pumping stations. It was conceived as a teaching tool for various regulatory systems. It has three pumps in parallel with a joint capacity of 4.5 litres/second for 40 mWC (metres of water column). The flow driven by the pumps passes through two groups of valves in parallel that simulate the...
Agricultural holding automation: DEYGESA Project
The system consists of the following elements: 1 SIEMENS PLC S7-314-2DP programable controller. 1 input node with 2 output modules with 4 analog 4-20 mA inputs each. 4 humidity-temperature sensors with 4-20 mA outputs. 1 PC with Windows 2000 equipped with a CP 5611 SIEMENS communication card running Siemens WinCC-based SCADA. The programmable...
Aplicación de técnicas de Optimización multiobjetivo al diseño de pantallas acústicas basadas en cristales de sonido
Development and implementation of software control of a robotic system for acquisition of acoustic measurements in anechoic chamber.
The main objective is the integration of all the subsystems involved in the ultrasound testing bench. Tasks are undertaken related to the wiring and configurations of the mechanical systems in the 3D-positioning sensor hardware, as well as the installation and configuration of control and acquisition, and the implementation of the software that...
Software simulation of cold / hot water installations, network provisioning, network gas and heating and cooling systems for buildings
In this project, a dynamic simulation software installations professional oriented architecture is developed. The software can be dimensioned from the pumping of a building to the heating and cooling system, through the number of allowances depending on sinks, etc ..