Quadcopters Testing Platform for Educational Environments by U. Veyna, S. García-Nieto, R. Simarro and Jose V. Salcedo. Sensors 2021, 21(12), 4134
Active disturbance rejection control: a guide for design and application. by Martínez, B., Sanchis, J., García-Nieto, S. y Martínez, M. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial, 18(3), pp. 201–217.(2021)
A Comparative Study of Stochastic ModelPredictive Controllers by E. González, J. Sanchis, S. García-Nieto and J.V. Salcedo. Electronics 2020, 9(12), 2078
Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction Using Fuzzy Logic System Training: Color Science Application by Morteza Maali Amiri, Sergio García-Nieto, Samuel Morillas and Mark D. Fairchild. Sensors 2020, 20(17), 4726
WH-MOEA: A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Wiener-Hammerstein System Identification. A Novel Approach for Trade-Off Analysis Between Complexity and Accuracy by J. Zambrano, J. Sanchis, J. M. Herrero and M. Martínez. IEEE Access. Vol. 8. pp 228655 - 228674. Dec 2020
Multivariable controller design for the cooling system of a PEM fuel cell by considering nearly optimal solutions in a multi-objective optimization approach by Alberto Pajares; Xavier Blasco; Juan M Herrero; Raúl Simarro. Complexity. Volume 2020. Article ID 8649428.
Analyzing the nearly optimal solutions in a multi-objective optimization approach for the multivariable nonlinear identification of a PEM fuel cell cooling system by Alberto Pajares ; Xavier Blasco ; Juan M. Herrero ; José V. Salcedo. IEEE Access. Vol 8. pp 114361 - 114377. 2020
Design and Experimental Validation of the Temperature Control of a PEMFC Stack by Applying Multiobjective Optimization by S. Navarro, J.M. Herrero, X. Blasco and R. Simarrro. IEEE Access. Vol 8. pp 183324 - 183343. Oct. 2020
A loop pairing method for non-linear multivariable control systems under a multi-objective optimization approach by Huilcapi, Víctor; Blasco, F.Xavier; Herrero, Juan Manuel; Reynoso-Meza, G. IEEE Access. Vol 8. pp 41262 - 41281. 2020
A comparison of archiving strategies for characterization of nearly optimal solutions under multi-objective optimization by A. Pajares, X. Blasco, J.M. Herrero and M.A Martínez. Mathematics 2021, 9(9), 999.