Research areas

Process and system optimization

Process and system optimization

The creation and implementation of system optimisation is being driven by the commercial need to exploit increasingly narrow profit margins in a globalised and competitive world. To achieve this, businesses must satisfy the level of quality demanded by the market with the lowest possible cost in energy and raw materials – while complying with...

Application of computational intelligence techniques in systems engineering and automation

Application of computational intelligence techniques in systems engineering and automation

Artificial intelligence tools (such as evolutionary algorithms, and fuzzy logic algorithms) are useful for solving the more complex problems that arise in identification, modelling, and process control. These tools can help answer the following questions: How to optimally tune a multivariable predictive controller? How to adjust the parameters of...

Model Based Predictive Control

Model Based Predictive Control

Predictive control, also known in the industry as multivariable control or advanced control, is a control strategy that has been accepted in the process industry in recent decades as the best option for controlling processes with multiple inputs and outputs while satisfying operational constraints. Linear predictive control strategies are...