An Approach to State Signal Shaping by Limit Cycle Model Predictive Control
Carlos Cateriano Yáñez, Gerwald Lichtenberg, Georg Pangalos, Javier Sanchis Sáez. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 6056-6061, ISSN 2405-8963
An Approach to State Signal Shaping by Limit Cycle Model Predictive Control
Autor (es):
Carlos Cateriano Yáñez, Gerwald Lichtenberg, Georg Pangalos, Javier Sanchis Sáez.
Carlos Cateriano Yáñez, Gerwald Lichtenberg, Georg Pangalos, Javier Sanchis Sáez.
21st IFAC World Congress. Berlín, Germany.
21st IFAC World Congress. Berlín, Germany.